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The Entry Lobby

The Entry Lobby to the Connected Community is the default landing page for all registered Members of this website. It is a special dynamic page driven by our User Data Base that lists all of the areas each user has permissions for each user. The Entry Lobby page displays each and every courses, lectures, communities and events to which each Member has authorized access.

The Entry Lobby is typically the first experience all Members will have with the Member Portal. Whenever you perform a standard log in using the "Log In" link in the top-left corner of every page in the site (for example), you will land on the Entry Lobby page. Please note that you will automatically bypass the Entry Lobby page if the URL you specified takes you directly to a secure page.

Since this website has dozens of courses, lectures, communities and events to which every Member can belong, the Entry Lobby displays everything the Member has access to view. Also, Member's subscriptions to courses, lectures, communities and events are dynamic; access to each can expire after a period. Rather than forcing users to keep up with everything manually, the Entry Lobby page keeps track of everything for you and presents a simple list of everything available to each user.

As a dynamic page populated with data extracted directly from our data base, it is always current to the instant the page is displayed or refreshed. If you have recently added a course, for example, the page will display your status.

Access to the Entry Lobby requires you to be logged in (so we know who you are) but everything after that is automatic. The Entry Lobby can be accessed via your user credentials:

  • Your username (or e-mail address)
  • The secret password that you set up when you registered.

We have placed a permanent link to the Entry Lobby at the top of every page in the site (located just right of center) to make it easy to get to the Entry Lobby.

The Entry Lobby page displays all of your courses, lectures, communities and events with a link to each. The access one, just click on the displayed link.