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TransformingTheChurch Firewall Transversal Port Test

To use any RTMP-based streaming service, certain IP ports need to be opened on any firewall that you or your IT department uses. Typically, this is only an issue in corporate environments that use firewalls to protect the LANs within their building.

Blocked ports will result in "server not found" errors when you attempt to view our videos. The correct interpretation of the error is that your streaming media can't find the server because the IP port used to connect to our streaming server is blocked by your firewall processes.

The live test below executes automatically whenever this page is loaded, refreshed or if the "Run Test" button is clicked. The test will test access through these ports to make sure they are open.

The port tester tests multiple variations of RTMP:

  • The RTMP "plain" protocol which works on top of and uses TCP port number 1935 by default.
  • The RTMPT which is encapsulated within HTTP requests to traverse firewalls. RTMPT is frequently found utilizing cleartext requests on TCP ports 80 and 443 to bypass most corporate traffic filtering.
  • The RTMPE which is RTMP encrypted using its own security mechanism.

The live test will attempt to connect an RTMP connection through port 1935 by default. If port 1935 fails, port 443 is attempted next. If this port fails, the stream will attempt to establish RTMPT (RTMP Tunneled) on port 80, because most firewalls allow communication on HTTP port 80.

If RTMPT on port 80 fails, it is likely that you have a "stateful inspection" firewall that rejects any non-HTTP packets on port 80.

If This Test Fails

If this test fails, the ports required for you to view our streaming media have been blocked. Please check with your IT support personnel and inform them which ports are blocked. Usually, your IT department will open the blocked ports for you. At a minimum, Port #1935 should be opened.

If you need further assistance, please contact Bill Anderton at TransformingTheChurch.org by clicking here and report the problem. Bill can work with your IT department as needed.