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e-Newsletter - Volume 7, Number 10
For Students with Incomplete Work in JG-01 Summer Term
by Bill Anderton

Dear Class Member,

For students with incomplete work in the JG-01 Summer Term class, a short extension has been granted for those students with incomplete work.

All students with incomplete work have been moved to a new Virtual Classroom set up for this purpose so that the Fall Term can begin in the regular classroom.

See: https://www.transformingthechurch.org/JG-01_extending_course_home (login required)

Your new classroom will appear in both your "My Registered Places" menu and the Entry Lobby. All of you work has been moved into this dedicated classroom so you may continue your work.

Please hurry and complete any missing work as soon as possible.


About This Course

This course is entirely online; no travel is required and all you need to participate is an web browser and a suitable broadband Internet connection.

For More Information:

