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e-Newsletter - Volume 5, Number 20
Fall Catalog Preview: Two New Online Courses for the Stewardship Season
by Bill Anderton

In advance of the release of our Fall Catalog, later this week, here is a preview of two new fully-interactive courses for your upcoming stewardship season.

Prepare yourself and your stewardship chair for a great season of stewardship!

Fully-interactive online courses provide lectures delivered via video-on-demand PLUS multiple live one-hour conference calls among the whole class and the instructor. Courses also have required readings and student assignments. CEU credits are also available.

Registration for both courses is open NOW! 

JB-01 - Theological Principles of Stewardship

By Rev. Dr. Joshua Brockway, Ph.D.

Six lectures and three conference calls. Course fee is $49.95

Click here for more information about the JB-01 course.

This course begins with defining what we mean when we say we are disciples of Jesus and citizens of the Kingdom of God. This model of discipleship, then, sets our way of life in the context of scripture and worship. From there, we will explore the scriptural and theological accounts of God’s economy, thus putting our practices of stewardship within the frame of sufficiency. For God’s creation and providence gives us all that we need, and from the surplus we can share with those who have a greater need. Our commitment to follow Jesus transforms both how we understand the world and live within it. Stewardship, then, is the constellation of our practices with time, talent, and treasure according to the principles of the Kingdom of God.

SL-02 - Holistic Stewardship

By Sandy Lindahl

Four lectures and three conference calls. Course fee is $49.95

Click here for more information about the SL-02 course.

This class illuminates the reach of stewardship practices far into our personal and societal lives. Holistic Stewardship involves recognizing our choices and making decisions that contribute to the wholeness of our lives and those of others, even of all Creation.  Moving beyond the traditional questions of using our "time, talent and treasure" this content raises questions about cultural assumptions, compares economic models, and considers the global implications of personal and communal decisions.

Addition Stewardship Resources - Stewardship Study Track

In addition to our two new courses described above, we also have a series other courses and lectures that will help you with your study of stewardship. Related courses, taken sequentially in series is called a "study track." Our study tracks are composed of both for-credit fully-interactive courses and non-credit video-only self-paced lectures. All are directly related to their subject; in this case, stewardship.

Click here for more information about our Stewardship Study Track.


About the Website

Our courses, lectures, and communities are entirely online; no travel is required, and all you need to participate is a web browser and a suitable broadband Internet connection.



