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e-Newsletter - Volume 4, Number 81
Stewardship Season Is Almost Here, Study Biblical Stewardship Principles To Get Ready
by Bill Anderton

With the understanding that stewardship encompasses more than money, “Stewardship in Scripture” students will gain a rich and diverse understanding of biblical stewardship principles. Topics include the theology of abundance, the importance of generosity, stewardship as transformation, stewardship of the Gospel, and more.

Registration is open for a new online course: “Stewardship and Scripture” taught by Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving for Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Stewardship in Scripture” offered by the Ecumenical Stewardship Center and TransformingTheChurch.org.

Register today! You will get immediate access to the course's Virtual Classroom after registration.  The first class assignment is due October 6, 2014. Late registration closes October 10, 2014.

The registration fee for the course is just $79.99.

Click here to register


Online Education from Anywhere at Any Time

You can participate in “Stewardship and Scripture” with only a web browser and a broadband connection. You can take the course from your home or office. You will participate in the course via the course's Virtual Classroom where you will have online access to all other students and the instructor. The Virtual Classroom forms a peer-learning community among all participants.

The course features four audio-graphic video sessions and four online Class Forum discussion assignments. You will do one lesson per week and complete the work at your convenience and on your schedule. In the fifth week of the course, the course will culminate with a live class-wide conference call on October 29, 2014.

As a class textbook, we will be using Giving to God: The Bible's Good News about Living a Generous Life by Mark Allan Powell. Each of the four lessons will have a corresponding reading assignment from the textbook.

First In the Series "Steward Leaders Engaging God’s Mission"

Stewardship and Scripture” is the first in a series of courses titled "Steward Leaders Engaging God’s Mission" consisting of a total of six courses brought to you by Ecumenical Stewardship Center and TransformingTheChurch.org. Students enrolled in the series will learn principles and practices relating to stewardship and leadership through studying Scripture, exploring holistic perspectives, critiquing culture, developing healthy relationships, and achieving financial health.

About Bruce Barkhauer

Stewardship and Scripture” is taught by Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Minister for Faith and Giving for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For twenty-five years, he has led congregations in Ohio and Indiana in achieving high levels of financial support for local and global missions and he now shares his experience across the life of the whole church. Rev. Barkhauer is a graduate of Ohio University, Christian Theological Seminary, and did Doctor of Ministry studies at Ashland Theological Seminary.

About the Ecumenical Stewardship Center

As a Network for Growing Stewards, the Ecumenical Stewardship Center provides resources that encourage the development of generous giving and faithful stewardship as transformational spiritual practices for faith communities and their leaders. Twenty denominations and several stewardship-related organizations in the US and Canada are partners in ESC's mission and ministry. You can find them on the ESC website at www.stewardshipresources.org.

For More Information:



